1. Iceland: Known for its stunning landscapes and low crime rate, Iceland maintains its top position as the world's most peaceful country.


2. Denmark: With a strong emphasis on social equality and environmental sustainability, Denmark consistently ranks among the most peaceful nations. 


3. NORWAY: This Scandinavian country boasts a high standard of living, low corruption, and a strong commitment to international peace and cooperation. 


4. NEWZEALAND: Isolated from the rest of the world, New Zealand enjoys a peaceful environment and a strong sense of community. 


5. AUSTRIA:This neutral country has a long history of peaceful coexistence and a thriving economy. 


6. SWITZERLAND: With a strong commitment to neutrality and a robust economy, Switzerland is a model of stability and peace. 


7. PORTUGAL: This Mediterranean country has a low crime rate and a relaxed lifestyle, making it a peaceful destination. 


8. SINGAPORE: Despite its small size, Singapore has a highly developed economy and a strong commitment to law and order. 


9. Czech Republic : This Central European country has a rich cultural heritage and a peaceful society. 


10. SLOVENIA: With its stunning natural beauty and a strong focus on environmental protection, Slovenia is a peaceful and sustainable country. .



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